
Groysman promised to raise salaries and pension in "non-populist way" 08/08/2016 16:53:02. Total views 1120. Views today — 0.

Cabinet of Ministers will develop a mechanism for raising salaries and pensions corresponding to the economical pcapabilities in non-populist way. It was stated by Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman at the Cabinet meeting on Monday, - reports UNIAN.

"Our goal today is to reform the pay system, so that every Ukrainian citizen gets a decent salary ... I can say that today the pension system requires changes. We need to take all the necessary decisions in ordert to raise pension in Ukraine within the capabilities of our economy and the Pension Fund. We have ideas regarding it, we are working on this issue. We will offerthem. They will be non-populist solutions," - he said.

Groysman also noted that the Cabinet would prepare a package of legislative initiatives to stimulate economic growth till the Parliament started  work after the summer break.

"We need to develop a package of legislative initiatives which we need in the framework of work of the Ukrainian Parliament in order to support economic growth," - he said.