
Leader of the "DPR" laid down terms to Ukraine to "make peace" 07/29/2016 17:45:16. Total views 984. Views today — 0.

Leader of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko mentioned two "sine qua non to make peace with Ukraine." He informed separatist media about that today.

"Peace with Ukraine is possible only when the Ukrainian side complies with two mandatory conditions. The first one is complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the territory of Donbass. The second one is release of all prisoners, including political prisoners," - said Zakharchenko.

At the same time, the Minsk Agreements clearly provide for the withdrawal of occupation forces from the Ukrainian territory and restoration of Ukrainian control over the state border.

Asreported earlier, the OSCE records increase in violations of the ceasefire and use of artillery in the ATO area. Bursts of violence are recorded in the western and north-western area - Gorlovka, Avdeyevka, Yasinovataya and near the Donetsk airport.