
Almost 60% of Ukrainians positively assess the possible deployment of peacekeeping contingent in Donbass – survey 07/19/2016 19:44:23. Total views 895. Views today — 0.

58% of surveyed Ukrainians have a positive attitude to deployment of international peacekeeping forces in Donbass. It is evidenced by results of the study conducted by the Democratic Initiative Fund named after Ilko Kucheriv.

58% of respondents have a positive attitude to deployment of international peacekeeping forces in Donbass. At the same time, this option is most supported by respondents in the Western region of Ukraine (70.5%), less in Donbass (39.2%). At the same time, 21.1% of Ukrainians negatively perceive it. And 20.9% were undecided.

The survey was conducted from 11th to 16th May 2016. 2016 respondents aged 18 were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for Crimea and occupied territory of Donbass. Theoretical error does not exceed 2.3%.