
More than a third of Ukrainians believe that Euromaidan has caused negative changes – survey 07/15/2016 16:56:29. Total views 997. Views today — 0.

More than a third of Ukrainians believe that Euromaidan has caused mostly negative changes in the country. It is evidenced by results of the survey conducted by the Sofia Centre for Social Research, - reported Ukrainski Novyny.

Respondents were asked to answer the question what changes Euromaidan had brought for Ukraine.

36.6% of respondents answered that it had caused mostly negative changes, 27.7% - equally good and bad, 18.1% - answered that nothing had changed in Ukraine, 11.9% - mostly positive changes.

5.7% of respondents could not answer the question.

At the same time, 55.4% of respondents believe that the revolution does not solve anything and stability is needed for the development of the country, 25% - that Euromaidan objectives have not been achieved, 6.6% - that the objectives have been achieved and the country received prospects for a successful development, 13% of respondents could not answer the question.

The survey was conducted in the period from June 29th to July 8th in all areas (on the territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions controlled by the authorities, it was not conducted in Crimea). 2001 adult respondents were interviewed by personal interview. Statistic error does not exceed 2.2%.