
Rada changed the name of Kirovograd city. Now it’s Kropyvnytskyi 07/14/2016 16:22:05. Total views 1211. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada s changed the name of Kirovograd city in pursuant to the Law "On the condemnation of the Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and t prohibition of propaganda of their symbols". It is reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

228 MPs supported the corresponding decree №4222 at the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada on Thursday.

According to the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament, the city is now called Kropyvnytskyi.

Marko Kropyvnytskyi left a remarkable creative trace in the history of the theater in late XIX - early XX centuries. In 1882 he organized a theater company in Elisavetgrad (then name of Kirovograd), which in about a year merged with the Mikhail Staritskyi’s company and Kropyvnytskyi became the leading director (the so-called " coryphaeus theater"). In the spring a survey on this issue was conducted among residents and showed that 82% of citizens were against the renaming. As a result, on June 10th, 2016 deputies of the city council did not support the proposal.