
An elderly man died at Zaytsevo checkpoint 07/07/2016 14:22:51. Total views 946. Views today — 0.

An elderly man died in the morning at Zaytsevo checkpoint, - reports the press service of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

It is noted that man who proceeded on foot to the uncontrollable territory of Ukraine fell unconscious in the morning at Zaytsevo checkpoint.

"The border guards immediately rendered the first aid, after that the representatives of the Doctors without Borders medical service took resuscitative measures. The ambulance, which arrived 15 minutes later, tried to save the life of the man born in 1954, but unfortunately without any result," - said the statement.

30 minutes after losing consciousness, doctors certified death of the citizen.

"The cause of death will be established by health professionals. Police has been informed about that fact," - said the statement.