
SSU expelled Russian officer from JCCC from Ukraine for espionage in favour of the "DPR" 06/22/2016 22:36:04. Total views 1088. Views today — 0.

Security Service of Ukraine convicted the Chief of Staff of the Russian Representative in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCCC) Colonel Vladimir Cheban in activities contrary to the Minsk agreements and expelled him from the country with the prohibition to enter for 5 years. It is reported by the SSU press center.

The Russian military is noted to have handed over to the Deputy Chief of Staff of the First Army Corps of the "DPR" terrorist organizations named "Yakub" monthly schedules and flight routes of drone of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE.

"Due to this information the militants can hide their firing positions, locations of heavy weapons and the deployment of quipment from the international observers. Colonel V.Cheban was also involved in the falsification by the Russian side in thee JCCCC of the evidence of the alleged violation of the Minsk agreements by Ukrainian military," - said the statement.

On the basis of the provisions of Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons" the SSU announced decision to citizen of the Russian Federation V.Cheban about his forced return to the country of his origin and the prohibition to enter Ukraine for a period of five years.

It is reported that the officer accompanied by the SSU came to the state border in Kharkov region and left the territory of the state.

The SSU website posted an audio file of the conversation between V.Cheban and "Yakub".