
The U.S. Senate will reconsider the bill on aid to Ukraine 02/08/2024 10:41:53. Total views 324. Views today — 0.

The U.S. Senate will reconsider the bill on aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. However, issues related to immigration reform and border security will not be considered. This was announced by the Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S., Oksana Markarova, on her Facebook page on February 8.

"The comprehensive package (Ukraine/Israel/Taiwan/Immigration Reform) predictably failed (49-FOR, 50-AGAINST) due to the lack of votes for the immigration reform agreement that negotiators have been working on for the past few months. That's why even before the vote on the Comprehensive package, the Appropriations Committee published an 'alternative' document, which provides exclusively international aid to Ukraine ($60.06 billion), Israel, and Taiwan (text can be found here). The Senate supported a procedural decision for reconsideration of the voting resolution (similar to our 'return to voting') (FOR-58, AGAINST-41), which is required to bring the question of ending debates and considering the substance of a 'clean' U.S. international aid bill without immigration reform, introduced earlier today by Senator P. Murray. This requires 60 votes", - wrote Markarova.

According to her, the evening session is closed, and the majority leader, Schumer, announced that he intends to bring the vote on ending debates on the U.S. international aid bill, which includes Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific countries, at noon Washington time on February 8.

Earlier, it was reported that the U.S. Senate rejected the bill on border protection and aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.