
GPOU searches elite houses of Klyuyev and Sivkovych 06/21/2016 18:30:38. Total views 1495. Views today — 0.

General Prosecutor's Office conducts searches in the houses of former Secretary of National Security Council and former head of PA during Yanukovych times - Andrey Klyuyev and former Deputy Secretary of the NSDC Vladimir Sivkovych. It is reported by Ukrainska Pravda with the reference to the General Prosecutor's Office.

"Investigative actions are carried out in the elite houses in Koncha Zaspa. They belong to Andrey Klyuev Vladimir Sivkovych," - said the source in the GPOU.

"Oleg Lyashko can celebrate his mother's birthday quietly," - added the GPOU.

The interviewee added that it is the first searches of Yanukovych’s officials involved in the tragic events during Euromaidan.

Houses belonging to Klyuyev, Sivkovych and Lyashko are next to each other.

As previously reported, Lyashko stated in the declaration that he rented a house of 450 square meters that costs 65 thousand hryvnia per year.

According to investigators, at night on November 30th, 2013 Popov, as head of the KCSA, acting on a prior agreement with the former deputy secretary of the National Security Council Vladimir Sivkovych, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kiev Valeriy Koryak and other senior officials gave an order to bring municipal equipment for the establishment of a Christmas tree to the Independence Square in Kiev.

Not only Sivkovych and Koryak but also NSDC Secretary Andriy Klyuyev are among the people involved in the dispersal of Euromaidan on November 30th.

As previously reported, the General Prosecutor's Office clarified that it did not carry out a search in the house of the leader of the Radical Party parliamentary faction of Oleg Lyashko and that he took advantage of the incident for self-praise.