
Ukraine did not like the words of Ban Ki-moon about Russia’s role in Donbass. The UN did not like the reaction of Ukraine 06/17/2016 18:45:08. Total views 1165. Views today — 0.

The representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dyuzharrik sharply reacted to criticism from Ukraine to Ban Ki-moon’s statements at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg about Russia's important role in ending the conflict in Donbass. He said that he was not going to react to it. It is reported by 112 referring to the Associated Press agency.

"I'm not going to analyze or respond to the criticisms that can be made," - quotes agency Dyuzharrik’s words. He also said that "we will not give up our words" and advised to read the full text by Ban Ki-moon.

As previously reported, Ukraine sent a letter of protest to UN Secretary General for his words about the role of Russia in Donbass. Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Vladimir Yelchenko said that Ban Ki-moon now lost the moral right to say anything about the conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.

Earlier media reported the fragment of the speech by Ban Ki-moon in St. Petersburg, where he said that Russia, as a permanent member of the Security Council with veto power, should "play a critical role" in solving the "urgent global problems from the resolution of the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria to the protection of human rights and control of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."

On the UN website this fragment is as follows: "The Russian Federation, as a founding member of the UN and as a permanent member of the Security Council, has a very important role to play and I really count heavily on the leadership of the Russian Federation. "