
About 40 militants died in Donbass for 4 days. A large number of combat equipment was destroyed – intelligence 06/15/2016 15:22:28. Total views 954. Views today — 1.

38 militants were killed in occupied Donbass from 10 to 13 of June 2016. It is reported by Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Thus, according to intelligence reports, 21 men died and 15 were wounded near Avdeyevka. In addition, the ATO forces destroyed two T-64 tanks; two self-propelled artillery units; BMP; three mortars; five Ural trucks and communication equipment on the Ural basis of car.

11 militants were killed and 21 were wounded in the area near Marinka. Ukrainian troops destroyed three T-72 tanks; two self-propelled artillery units; three 122 mm D-30 howitzer; five 120-mm mortars; two armored vehicles and an Ural car.

In addition, in Novotroitskoye militants’ loss amounted to 6 dead and nine wounded. The terrorists have lost self-propelled artillery system, two 120-mm mortar shells and armored vehicles.