
Yermak in Washington: "If aid is delayed, there is a significant risk of losing the war" 12/06/2023 10:52:38. Total views 237. Views today — 0.

Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, urged Congress to approve additional funding for Ukraine as soon as possible during his speech at the Institute of Peace in Washington on December 5. He emphasized that without assistance, there is a significant risk of losing the war, as reported by Voice of America.

"If the assistance currently being discussed in Congress is delayed - I'm not saying not approved - there is a significant risk that we will be in the same position as we are now. And, of course, this is likely to make it impossible to continue the liberation of territories and create a significant risk of losing the war", - said Yermak.

The Ukrainian official pointed out that in addition to military aid, Ukraine needs assistance for its budget, without which it will be difficult for Ukrainians to survive in wartime conditions.

"If we talk about direct budgetary support, it is important to understand - during this terrible war, of course, with your support and the support of partners - we are alive, our country is alive, our people are returning to Ukraine", - emphasized Yermak.

He called for a prompt vote on additional funding for Ukraine, stating, "It is critical that this support be voted on in Congress and voted on as quickly as possible".

The official emphasized that U.S. assistance is needed to continue Ukraine's fight and liberate Ukrainian territories.

"Ukraine is currently working with partners to finalize the plan for next year. We want to win as soon as possible because two years have already passed, and two years is a long time", - noted Yermak.

The statement reminds that the U.S. Congress plans to begin consideration of a new aid package for Ukraine later this week.