
"The DPR will not be able to become the center of the world LGBT movement". Separatist "media" review 02/20/2017 11:20:00. Total views 1240. Views today — 0.

Separatist "media" quickly forgot about Givi’s death. Epitaphs and his "heroic deeds" were replaced by reports that remind of The X-Files series. Ukrainian immortal cyborgs, cancer caused by war and LGBT activists in the "DPR" – these topics were highlighted by the local "media".

"Life-giving water"

Deputy commander of the “DPR” operational command Eduard Basurin became one of the main newsmakers. According to him, the Ukrainian military, nicknamed "cyborgs", did not die from bullets. News agency New Russia published his version.

"To maintain the militant mood among the Ukrainian military, Kyiv experts used not only propaganda, but also influenced directly on the brain with the help of psychotropic substances. This was told by the deputy commander of the operational command of the “DPR” Eduard Basurin", - the report began with such words.

"Stories about cyborgs are not fairy tales. At first we found the pills. And then at the airport we found flasks labeled "Life-giving water". We sent them to the laboratory. It was the strongest psychotropic drug, completely disconnecting the feeling of pain and fear. Under the influence of such drugs a person does not fall from the shots. You can let the whole clip into them, but thy still will continue to move. And these cases are now seen in Avdiivka, in the south. They just go on the attack. You kill them – they still go towards you. They are shot - they fall, get up and move again. Unless you shot them in the head or the heart. Even without a head they may try to get up and go", - Eduard Basurin said. He added that Donetsk specialists have found out that the drug effect lasts for exactly 10 days.

"And Ukraine has always strongly demanded that the rotation takes place once in 10 days", - he reminded.

The news has become very popular among users of social networks. Most of them left sarcastic comments about the sanity of Eduard Basurin. "He must have drunk that life-giving water before the interview", - the users of social networks wrote.

Zakhar instead of Givi

Another topic of discussion was Zakhar Prilepin. Youth Inform Agency New Russia, referring to the press service of "the Head of the DPR" reported that "The writer, a member of the Izborsk club Zakhar Prilepin received new Major epaulettes from the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Oleksandr Zakharchenko".

"At the moment Zakhar Prilepin holds the position of advisor to the Head of the Republic, as well as a special forces battalion deputy commander for work with personnel of the Armed Forces of the DPR. “Zakhar Prilepin is the real Patriot of Russia and the Donbass, not on paper but in real life. Therefore, he made a decision to defend the Russian peace up in arms. Prilepin has a sufficient experience to carry out those duties in the DPR Army which were assigned to him by the Republic", - the press service quoted Oleksandr Zakharchenko. Zakhar Prilepin (Yevhen Lavlinskiy) has been active in literary and journalistic fields, he is the recipient of several literary awards. In 2015 he organized the delivery of humanitarian aid to residents of the Donbass. At the beginning of his career, after serving in the riot police, he took part in the fighting in Dagestan and Chechnya".

Internet community also stepped in. One of the apologists of the "Russian Spring" Ihor Girkin (Strelkov) wrote a post on his social network.

"People ask about my brief opinion on why Zakhar Prilepin formed a battalion in the DPR.

My answer is: you could form even larger battalion for Surkov's funds. But this is not the case. "Major" Prilepin clearly wants to take a "vacant position of the media hero", vacated after the deaths of Motorola and Givi. With the same success in other situation (if Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Galkin and Petrosian died simultaneously) he might become the "pop king". The main thing is to be always in sight and party hard. All the commanders of the first wave were killed - why not to "inherit" their glory on the eve of the inevitable impending massacre? The career is secured - six months on the screen - and you will surely be a colonel, and then... is Prilepin worse than that TV talker Eduard Basurin? I think he is certainly superior to him in the military experience - he served in Chechnya at least...

The Donetsk blogger Roman Manekin also joined the comments.

"The case of Prilepin is the apotheosis of political tourism in which many have showed up: from the representatives of the Association of fellow-countrymen of the Donbass people of Moscow to the little-known figures of the State Duma, as well as individual artists.

Not more!

I hope it will be the "inflection point of the function on the graph," after which the "curve" of political tourism will go down.

But the chances are slim to none, of course.

Prilepin will not fight. And in any case, he is unlikely to be really useful for the Donbass: it is more harm than benefit everywhere where the private runs ahead of the general.

In general, the PR on the war is always harmful (Although we have its surfeit!) One law is in force in case of emergency: reasonable practicality.

Prilepin will not serve!

He will get in the way. And this story will end quickly.

It would be nice without deaths and scandal (it is needed to think about this today)".

Metastases of war

Antifascist edition has accused Ukraine not only of Nazism, but also of increasing of the number of becoming ill with oncology in the uncontrolled territories this week.

"Ukrainian aggression provoked the growth of cancers in the Donbass. This was stated by the Chief non-staff Specialist in Surgery and Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the LPR, the Head Doctor of the Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary Alexander Torba today on the International Childhood Cancer Day".

"Of course, the percentage of oncology diseases has grown considerably today, and it is connected, first of all, with the stresses because of the ongoing military aggression of the Kiev authorities against us. Unfortunately, stresses are an inevitable result of the fighting. Last year alone, we have operated on about a dozen children. This is oncopathology of thyroid gland, lungs, internal organs ", - Torba noted.

"Vigilance is right-on"

LGBT performance was also planned in the "DPR" this week, but nothing took place.

"Moscow LGBT activist Oleg Vasiliev, aka Maria Shtern, was going to arrange an unusual performance on Lenin Square in Donetsk. However, the law-enforcement authorities of the DPR have stopped his intentions. The "activist" and his companion expelled from the Republic at the moment", – the Russian Spring newspaper writes, and quotes the Donetsk blogger Konstantin Dolgov.

"Certain Oleg Vasiliev and Victoria Miroshnichenko have just left the territory of the DPR (it seems that forever).

Oleg Vasiliev, known as Maria Shtern (!) and Gray-Violet (!!). He calls himself "it".

In short, this it went to the DPR ostensibly to give a lecture about the benefits of the LGBT movement and all that.

But! In fact, the goal was different!

And now please hold on.

This it was planned to put up a tent on Lenin Square, cut off his balls (!) and feed these balls to the stray dogs (!!). And the companion had to shoot it all on video.

I do not know where it was going to find stray dogs in the center of Donetsk, but that is not our sorrow.

In short, you can nail your balls to the block stone there in Russia, but our vigilance is right-on – eh, such an action have failed!

In general, the DPR will not be the center of the world LGBT movement. See how sad everything turned out. What will the international community say?"

Khodakovsky is the next

"Unfortunately, the murder of the Donetsk Colonel Mikhail Tolstykh (Givi) is not the last in the Donbass. The situation will develop according to this scenario in the future. The next victim of the terrorists, most likely, will be the former head of the Security Service of the DPR, battalion commander of Vostok Alexander Khodakovsky", – this thought was expressed by the Russophil Eduard Limonov on the air of a talk show on NTV".

"Khodakovsky, the commander of Vostok, will probably be the next. I am sorry to say it, but it is probably true. Who have killed (Givi – ed.) – it is a tough call. We do not have enough information to answer it"- Limonov considers.

Khodakovsky immediately reacted to such statements, and wrote in the social network:

"That is what I think - why do all on the Russian border give me some papers, but not allow me into Russia? I believe that it was by the direct order of V.Y., as for the enemy of the republic, - as I was called by his close Zakhar Prilepin and his Baltic friend Alexander Kazakov, but Limonov had explained all - in order not to run away from my fate. )))) It seems I am not going to do it…"

Review was prepared by Andriy Farysey, OstroV

PS: Orthography, punctuation and stylistics in quotations are maintained.