
Listening to the radio... Luhansk journal 06/09/2017 09:35:00. Total views 1261. Views today — 0.

I was painting the gate and was listening to the local radio while doing that. And that is what I can say after diving into these several hours of a continuous radio marathon of local radio-diversity. It is just my impression, heated by the smell of paint:

1. We live in an era of positive. That is how I felt. Funny songs about nothing with rhyme, like, lovey-dovey and zero meaning. For some reason I remember a song with a single line chorus of "I Love You". Perhaps the rest of the songs were even less meaningful. But a general message aimed at the target audience of this radio product is total happiness, even in bytes. Once I had a similar feeling, but at that time I did not have this notorious cognitive dissonance between reality and the mood of songs. That is, I had a completely happy reality, enhanced by music. And all together it gave birth to a powerful springboard for overcoming difficulties. You can, of course, argue about that. However, yesterday I was not depressed, but while listening to the music collection of Radio of the Republic I had a feeling that either we live somehow very well and this happiness misses me, or the target audience are people of a certain level of intelligence. According to the marketers of this radio, it is probably enough for such an audience to say that they are happy and they will be happy!

2. Advertising. Sunflower seeds Gryzilla and others, in packages of which you can find from USD 0.2 to 8. The message is simple, clear and cheerful: if you need money, buy sunflower seeds. Gnaw the seeds and listen to "I love you". And if to be a bit more serious, there are a lot of ads of Russian goods. Or just not local goods. Water Tbau flows from some kind of mountains and is charged with the power of minerals. Drink and learn the secret of long-livers. Exactly so. And judging by the fact that we do not have mountains, the water is not local. Sweets Chocoland are a must, because they promise all facets of taste. Sausage’s manufacturer is not specified, but they promise that any mother-in-law and son-in-law will eat it and everyone is, of course, happy. And after such advertising it becomes clear that only our neighbors have gained profit from our “independence”, now they bring here tons and liters of "recipes of longevity, charged with minerals of mountains", chocolate sweets and sausages.

3. TV shows. I watched some local news and a culinary show for men. How to cook Spanish churros at home fast and easy. Yes, it was for men. I am not against that. But all together it only strengthened the state of absurdity. The news reported that on June 1, on the Children's Day, the saboteurs blew up the power line in the village of Heorhiivka. Like, only one explosive device worked, and the second one the saboteur spoiled deliberately. So local authorities call on all saboteurs to do the same, if they just cannot refuse to comply with orders. And almost immediately - churros, which is easily and quickly cooked by men. And either there was no first part about the saboteurs or it was necessary not to hear about churros because all together it was too strange. Once again, "I love you" and "You look like your friends, but I do not need a doll". Based on the meaning of everything, the listeners are teenagers or young people. Probably, this mix salad of sabotage and recipes, dressed with love songs, is just right for them.

For some reason I heard information that the "republic" is ready to accept disabled children from the "territories under Ukraine's control". They said that 46 children have already arrived, but they are waiting and are ready to accept everyone interested. They promise free accommodation and free medical check. And the malicious equipoise of doubt did not let me breathe freely here again. And what about the local children? We donate blood in the hospital, buying everything that is needed to donate blood. There are just hands of staff, washed with water from bottles (as water is given by the hour and only in the evening), from the hospital. And I have a question – is it an advertising gimmick? Newcomers will be examined for free, and insiders will buy and carry everything with them? Bandage and cotton wool for the surgeon and so on? Of course, when you hear about such goodness, that they are ready to accept everyone – you become joyful and melted. But in fact, the local children live not so good to advertise their capabilities. Once again, dissonance and misunderstanding – for what? Is it in order to throw dust in the eyes of those who were not here and sympathize with us from afar?

5. Aboutwork. No, I was not mistaken. This is the name of program on the local radio. I heard it recently and it became my strongest impression of the whole day. They told how to become an astronaut. And what else can the one who nibbles sunflower seeds and search for money in them, believes in unearthly love and is going to live like those long-livers from the mountains want? Just to become an astronaut. So, after specifying what is needed to become an astronaut, the presenter, what is called not to give a damn, said a strange thing – first of all, Russian citizenship is needed. The "LPR" does not need astronauts. But they are in demand in Russia. And then he gives the address for writing letters without turning an eyelash, if the desire to become an astronaut is too sharp… What do you think of that?

I live in the "LPR", to leave which is an event, a matter of incredible complexity, and they offer me a job, not just any job, but a space job at once – to become an astronaut. I have a little left to do – Russian citizenship and sending a letter to the specified address (and this is not a mental hospital). And that is all, big deal! I will go to nibble sunflower seeds, drink the water of long-livers and sit down to write a letter. All according to the preset sequence. Is it only me who hear the schadenfreude over those who live here? Hey? The war goes somehow completely in parallel with ordinary life. There was no light yesterday because of sabotage, and today we fry churros and dream about the cosmic space. And the lack of water, communications interruptions, high prices, power cuts and other complexities, probably, worry not a single person. "I loooooove you….."

Olha Kucher, Luhansk, for OstroV